What is Chiropractic?

Chiropractic is a science and healing art that is based on the premise that good health depends, in part, upon a normally functioning nervous system. The doctor of chiropractic views the individual as an integrated being, focusing on spinal health as the key to overall health and wellness. Chiropractic employs a natural method of health care that focuses on treating the causes of physical problems, rather than just the symptoms. It does so in a non-surgical, non-invasive and drug-free method.
Myths and Facts

Q. Is a chiropractor really a doctor?
A. Absolutely! Following high school, at least 4 years of college and 4 to 5 years of chiropractic college must be completed to earn the degree Doctor of Chiropractic (DC). Before a DC can practice, he or she must first pass a licensing exam administered by the State or the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners, or both. All 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands license chiropractors and recognize chiropractic as an independent health care profession.

Q. Do Chiropractors disagree with the use of prescription         drugs?
A. Many believe that because chiropractors do not prescribe drugs, they are anti-drug and would therefore never suggest that drugs were needed or necessary. This is not necessarily true. Most chiropractors believe in the rational use medication. Chiropractors do not believe that drugs are the answer to all problems, but prefer a natural, non-invasive alternative.
A chiropractor's main goal is to prevent the need for medication or surgery, and if a problem arises, it is better to eliminate the cause of the problem than to mask it. In instances when your chiropractor feels you would benefit from medication or another intervention, the appropriate health care professional will be recommended to you.

Q. Aren't many visits required for chiropractic treatment?
A. Throughout life you have been taught as long as you feel okay, you are okay, but that is not necessarily true. Dr. Wojeski knows that your pains are merely a symptom of your problem and it is his desire to eliminate the cause of your pain, not just the pain. Suppose you go to the doctor complaining of a headache. When you leave, you may be rid of the headache, but if the cause of the headache is stll present, you will probably get another headache sooner or later. Though each and every case is different, Dr. Wojeski has treated similar cases and should be able to estimate how often you will need to return before the problem itself is eliminated. Chiropractic treatment is often needed even after pain has been controlled. Your cooperation will determine the speed at which you recover and will help prevent the problem from resurfacing in the future.
You probably have more questions about chiropractic and the specific procedures being used for you. Dr. Wojeski takes pride in being open and caring about you as a whole person so don't be afraid to ask questions.

Chiropractic Education
Before they can practice, doctors of chiropractic must pass national board exams and become state-licensed.

North Carolina law requires a baccalaureate degree as well as a doctor of chiropractic degree prior to taking the state board examination. North Carolina requires chiropractors to successfully pass all parts of the multiple-section national board exam. North Carolina also requires 24 hours of continuing education per year as a condition of maintaining a chiropractic license.

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